Home News We’ll Escalate Agro Industrial Revolution in Cross River – Gov Otu

We’ll Escalate Agro Industrial Revolution in Cross River – Gov Otu


By Magnus Effiong

The newly sworn in governor of Cross River State, Senator Bassey Otu, has promised to escalate agro-industrial revolution in the State by causing many agro-industries built by the out-gone government of Prof Ben Ayade to operate at full capacity.

The new Governor, who spoke shortly after being sworn-in by the Cross River State Chief Judge, Justice Akon Ikpeme, Monday, said “We will escalate the agro industrial revolution with the foundation already put in place by my predecessor with the goal of converting the extant ‘food on the table and sells funds in the pocket’to a workable and productive economy.

“Leveraging on our 3E policy direction which is, Emancipation, Education, and Empowerment as encapsulated in our People-First manifesto, we will pay special attention to our young men, children and women by ensuring that government’s programs, policies and laws are framed in such a way that will break all forms of gender biases.

“I am determined to change the fortunes of Cross River State by implementing a vibrant Agricultural ecosystem supported by various trade consolidation centers.”

He lamented that the State workforce was depleting by the day but that “We hope to engage with the Labour Union dispassionately on the feasible and sustainable paths for dealing with our depleting civil service, given that over 75% of our manpower will be retiring before December, 2024.

“The same worrisome narrative applies to backlog of staff promotion with corresponding severance burden in excess of N54 billion.”

He further maintained that “within our People-First agenda; safety, peaceful co-existence and security of lives and properties are major pillars for my administration.”

He warned against criminality and added “For the few who take pride in criminality, there shall be no hiding place and only two options are on the table: turn a new leaf within our upcoming amnesty window or vacate Cross River State without delay. Our administration shall have zero tolerance for criminality in whatever form or shade.

“We shall expand our footprint on total Healthcare and Education Spending per Capita. We will curb gender based violence and institutionalize Cross River as the clearest, greenest and safest in our country.


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