Home News 2023: Former Council Chairman, Majorie Asuquo, Explains why House of Assembly is...

2023: Former Council Chairman, Majorie Asuquo, Explains why House of Assembly is Her Destination

Rt Hon Majories Asuquo during her consultation with APC CRS Leaders

By Magnus Effiong
The immediate past Chairman of Calabar South local government council, Rt Hon Majorie Asuquo, has explained why she declared intention to represent Calabar South Constituency 2 in the Cross River State House of Assembly, come 2023.

In a chat with PillarToday in her country home, Anantigha, Mrs Asuquo, who is contesting under the platform of the All Progressives Congress, APC, said economic welfare for her constituents, especially women, as well as general development of her constituency would be her focus during her time in the House.

She said, “I have great passion for my people and that is why whenever I have an opportunity to serve, I do so with all sincerity to ensure I deliver, and I have capacity to represent my constituency. Besides, I know what it takes to attract the presence of organizations, corporate bodies and government to invest and develop Calabar South. I had done it before and I will do it again.”

On her manifesto, the former Council boss said, “we will ensure better welfare for our people by lobbying to bring in programmes that shall be beneficial to them. As I said earlier, I know what to do to turn things around and I am committed to touching the lives and businesses of my people positively.

“I am also convinced that with our inputs through the power of lobbying, government can also establish industries in Constituency 2 of Calabar South.

“Everybody can testify that while in Council as Chairman, I ensured women were empowered with cash to help them in their businesses. We will carry everyone on board. The present House member representing my constituency is actually trying and we will continue from where he will stop and shall strive to improve on it.”

Asked on her relationship with her constituents, she said “I am a grassroots politician, I am close to my people, I dwell among them and they love me genuinely. If my people did not love me, they would not have risked their lives to stop hoodlums who attempted to raze down my house during the ENDSARS protest in 2020.

“During that period, I was away for 8 days and there was no security man around or in the house to stop that menace but my people stood as one and stopped that attack which were orchestrated by more than 100 armed men. I do not know, till date, the magic they used to stop those people.”

On fears that politicians would always distance themselves from electorates shortly after emerging victorious, Mrs Asuquo said such lifestyle was not part of her 

“I still live today in my house here in Anantigha and I have no intention of relocating. This is because I seek to be closer to my people and be accessible. I have not changed my phone number for decades and I pick my calls anytime, anywhere except if I am in meetings or very busy, and often, I call back missed calls.

“It won’t be because of politics that I imbibe a different lifestyle and character. I am accessible and down-to-earth. I attend events and mingle freely with not only my constituents but with people across the State. I love my people and I know they love and place me in high esteem,” the aspirant submitted.

She commended the APC leadership in the State for encouraging women and youths to vie for any office in the land, adding that she would be the first female to represent Calabar South Constituency 2 if she emerges winner of the race in 2023.


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