Home News S’South Monarchs Felicitate Obong of Calabar, Appeal to Efik Leaders to Sheath...

S’South Monarchs Felicitate Obong of Calabar, Appeal to Efik Leaders to Sheath Swords


By Magnus Effiong

Few days after Governor Bassey Otu formally affirmed His Eminence Edidem Ekpo Okon Abasi-Otu V as Obong of Calabar, traditional leaders, under the aegis of South South Monarchs Forum have paid a solidarity visit to Edidem Abasi-Otu V.

The Monarch used the visit to call on Efik leaders, who may have lost out or been misled during the tussle for the throne of the Obong of Calabar, to sheath their swords and join hands with Edidem Abasi-Otu V to build a great Efik kingdom.

Recall that while The Obong was duly re-selected and proclaimed by the Etuboms’ Conclave in line with the Supreme Court judgement of January 2023, some Efik leaders had decided to pitch tent with former Finance Minister, Etubom Tony Ani, who had been in various courts over the past 15 years trying to oust Edidem Abasi-Otu from the throne.

Speaking at Adiabo, the country home of the Obong of Calabar, Chairman of the Forum, His Majesty (Dr) Dandeson Douglas Jaja Jeki V, CFR, Jaja of Opobo, said their visit to the Monarch was to show solidarity and appreciation to God for bringing the distraction to an end.

“We are here under the umbrella of South South Monarchs Forum on a solidarity visit with one of our own, the Obong of Calabar who Governor Bassey Otu has affirmed as Obong of Calabar. We commend the Governor for upholding the truth in line with the tradition of the Efik people.

“On behalf of the South South Monarchs Forum, I appeal to those who may have lost out to sheath their swords in the interest of Efik people. In life, we must know when to say ‘it is alright, let us all come together as one people to build our heritage’. I urge us all to again embrace peace which Efik people are known for.”

Corroborating, Chairman, Supreme Council of Akwa Ibom Traditional Rulers, Odidem Bassey Etim Edet, commended the Etuboms’ Traditional Council for remaining steadfast, shunning material inducements and religiously adhering to Efik tradition in choosing the Obong of Calabar, adding “if the processes were faulty, the story would have been different today.”

In his response, the Obong of Calabar, lauded the Monarchs for their show of love, adding that the South South Monarchs had once again proven that they remained their brothers’ keepers.

“I commend you for this show of solidarity and I will not take this for granted. We will continue to do our very best to bring all our people together for the good of the Efik kingdom.”

Our reporter gathered that the visit was one of the numerous solidarity visits by organisations, groups and individuals to the Monarch after the Governor’s pronouncement.


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