Home News On zoning we stand, C’River central PDP leaders tell anti-zoning agitators

On zoning we stand, C’River central PDP leaders tell anti-zoning agitators


Leaders and stakeholders of the People’s Democratic Party, PDP, in Cross River central senatorial district have told anti-zoning agitators across the State that zoning remained an integral part of the party and so must be holistically implemented.

Many party leaders and members are insisting that power should return to the southern senatorial after it would have gone round the three senatorial districts in 2023 with the incumbent,Prof Ben Ayade.

This may not have not gone down well with others who are arguing that since all the zones would have taken their turn, the governorship could start again from any zone.

However, rising from a well-attended meeting at Ugep, headquarters of Yakurr local government area of the state, stakeholders from the central district said it stands firmly with those clamouring for the governorship to go back to the south.

The Communique which was signed by 26 leaders from the zone, read in part: “the Central Senatorial District supports the principle of zoning and rotation of political responsibility in the state, and particularly supports the sustenance of the rotation of the governorship of Cross River State following the already established sequence amongst the various senatorial districts.

“That the governorship of Cross River State in 2023, following the established sequence of rotation, should be zoned to the Southern Senatorial District of Cross River State.

“This position is taken in the unshaken confidence that there are members of the party from the Southern Senatorial District with capacity, competence and commitment to lead the state and restore the developmental strides the state was hitherto known for.

“These resolutions are not in support of any particular aspirant, and gubernatorial aspirants from the Southern Senatorial District are all encouraged to propagate their aspirations within the bounds of decency, while working to reconcile their various aspirations.”

Some of those who signed the communique included the former and present House of Representatives members, Rt Hon Bassey Eko Ewa, and Chris Agibe, sitting House of Assembly members, Hon Nelson E Ofem and Itam Abang and others.


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