Home Uncategorized CRSG Assures Recovery of All Illegally Acquired Government Property

CRSG Assures Recovery of All Illegally Acquired Government Property


Chief of Staff, Hon. Emmanuel Ironbar

The Cross River State Government has assured that it will recover all illegally acquired government property, whether by individuals or organisations.

A Press release on from the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Mr. Emmanuel Ogbeche, said the assurance was given by the Chief of Staff to the Governor of Cross River State, Hon. Emmanuel Ironbar on Monday when he embarked on inspection of all government owned properties within the Calabar metropolis.

The Chief of Staff said the inspection became necessary because of the urgent need to ensure that all government properties still occupied by private individuals and unauthorised organisations are immediately recovered.

“Normally at the expiration of one tenure, it is expected that public officials who served in that administration should leave and allow those in the new administration to take over and use the facilities allocated to them for the period of time they will serve in the new government.

“But what I have gone around to see is very pathetic that government properties have been sold out, it is not right because if other administrations before now had done same, then successive governments would not have had any property to inherit,” Ironbar said.

He, however, expressed optimism that the special committee set up to review the transition report as well as that of recovery of government properties will work toward the realization of their objectives.

The inspection was led by some senior staff of the State Ministry of Lands and Housing.


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