Home News Governorship: Group Lauds Ayade, APC Leaders over Support for Senator Otu

Governorship: Group Lauds Ayade, APC Leaders over Support for Senator Otu


By Magnus Effiong
A political support group, Fusion 196, has lauded Governor Ben Ayade and the leadership of the All Progressives Congress, APC, for the level of support they have given to Senator Bassey Otu in his bids to take over the Peregrino Government House in 2023.

The group also commended other governorship aspirants who did not insist on going ahead with the guber primaries scheduled for Wednesday, May 25, 2022, saying the aspirants displayed unparalleled maturity which has helped in not overheating the polity.

In a press statement signed by its spokesman, Dermot Akpoke, Vision 196 said, “we want to profoundly thank His Excellency, the Governor of our dear State for being consistent and deliberate in his back to south advocacy, and for eventually endorsing senator Prince Bassey Otu in agreement with other stakeholders to fly the party gubernatorial flag. For truly the governor has demonstrated as always that he is a man whose word is his bond.

“We wish to once again thank all the aspirants who put forward themselves to aspire for the governorship of Cross River State, especially those who have conceded to the consensus arrangement, and also to call on those still having reservations to understand that power comes only from God and that there is a time and season for everyone and for everything.

“We want to also commend the genuine and robust advocacy of all the support groups and all those who put forward their voices which enhanced the endorsement of our principal.

“In the political trajectory of Cross River State, one of the most resounding political decisions ever taken in the interest of the people is the endorsement of Sen Otu by the party leadership, reasons why the state has witnessed unending celebrations, jubilations and excitement from the 22nd of April, 2022 when the endorsement was done.

“There is a popular saying, Vox Populi Vox Dei, which means that the voice of the people is the voice of God and of course the essentiality of democracy is in the elevation of the place of the people wherein its seen as the government of the people, for the people, and by the people. The people therefore remain cardinal and central in the practice of democracy at every level, and so every decision taken in a democratic setting must carry the signature of the people’s concerns.

“The endorsement of Senator Otu by the APC is therefore a response to the yearnings and concerns of the people, reasons why when the news broke out, it was as though there was a Renaissance. His endorsement is a strategic masterstroke, and indeed a milestone, apt and timely.

“With utmost respect to all those who aspired in the APC political family for the governorship of CRS, it is undoubted that Senator Prince Otu stands out and remains the best for the job of the governor of our dear state. He is one with the right attitude and temperament to navigate the part of bringing everyone together into a strong and indivisible fold.

“Sen Bassey Otu is unarguably a man of unrivalled capacity, unparalleled content, with an amazing insight of sociopolitical situations. He is a consistent team player who believes in the words of Sir Henry Ford that coming together is the beginning, staying together is progress, but working together is success,” the group stated.

Fusion 196 called on all Cross Riverians to get their permanent voter’s card in readiness for the election saying, “We wish to call on Cross Riverians and residents who are yet to get their PVCs, that it’s now a clarion call and a humble appeal that they go out and register to get their PVC’s to enable them vote for their choice candidate, Senator Bassey Otu.”

Explaining the essence of the group, the statement said “Fusion196 is a political support group with grassroot appeal whose membership cuts across the one hundred and ninety-six (196) political wards of the state, and as the name of the group connotes, ours is to amongst other things advance and promote the political ideals of Sen Prince Bassey Otu across the states political wards.”


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