Home Entertainment Celebration as Efut Ebuka Ebuka Gets New Clan Head, Eyo Inyang

Celebration as Efut Ebuka Ebuka Gets New Clan Head, Eyo Inyang


By Magnus Effiong

The Efut Combined Assembly has, amidst pomp and pageantry, traditionally capped a research scientist and holder of degrees in Chemistry and Medical Technology of Tennessee State University Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America (USA), HH Muri Eyo Inyang as the Clan Head of Ebuka Ebuka Clan.

Our reporter, who monitored the event said it was attended by a mammoth crowd, made up of dignitaries, sons and daughters of Efut both at home and the diaspora, traditional rulers, politicians, captains of industry, residents, friends and well-wishers of the celebrant.

Many traditional dances and cultural displays also took time to entertain the guests. The cultural displays and dances took over the Streets of Calabar South local government area, from Anantigha, the council headquarters, to Mbukpa road with acrobatic and breath-taking performances.

The occasion began in ernest at the Palace of the Efut Combined Assembly as the Munene and Patriarch of the Efut kingdom, HRM Maurice Okon Eyo 1, performed the capping. He was flanked by the Secretary General of the body, Ndabu Godwin Bassey and other heads of the Efut ancestral clans.

Performing the capping and presentation of staff of office to the new clan head, the Munene congratulated Inyang for his selection by the people of Ebuka Ebuka Clan and presentation to the Munene Council for recognition, saying that it followed due process and was in conformity with the laid down tradition and customs of Efut Kingdom.

According to the Monarch, the coronation became necessary to fill the existing vacuum created by the creation of new clans by the state government.

The Munene charged the new clan head to be completely loyal and pay allegiance to Efut Combined Assembly, the highest decision making body of Efut Kingdom, and to lead his people with the fear of God and be fair to all irrespective of their leaning or status in the society.

“You must always be honest in all your dealings with your people, love them, be ready to sacrifice for them, lead by example and support all the programmes and policies of the government of the day.” he charged.

He however called on him to always feel free to consult with him and his council whenever the need arises to enable him lead his people well.

Responding, the new clan head who is the immediate past president of Efik National Association USA Inc, expressed delight for the honour done him, saying the gesture would spur him to redouble his effort in the development of not only Ebuka Ebuka clan but the entire Efut kingdom.

He pledged his allegiance and total loyalty to the Muri Munene and his cabinet and promised to do everything possible to promote good leadership and development of in his clan.

Muri Inyang appealed for cooperation and support to enable him lead his people well.

At the occasion, the Muri Munene also presented certificate of recognition to Mrs Nnanke Bassey Arikpo, an Accountant working with Cross River State Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (RUWASSA)as Mbonka (Woman leader) in Ikot Efio Ene Clan for her selfless services to her host community.

The Munene lauded Arikpo for distinguishing herself in the service of her host community and charged her not to relent as the Efut Combined Assembly, the apex decision making body of the Efuts is solidly behind her.

“Today you have been officially recognised and installed as Mbonka in Efut kingdom. With this honour, you now enjoy all the opportunities and privileges open to all sons and daughters of Efut,” he said.

The new Mbonka who described Muri Munene as a very selfless man who knows no boundary beyond tribe thanked him and his council for honouring her.

“For this love and kind gesture shown to me today, i will do my best to pay back through showing the Efut people love, especially the less privileged and develop the underdeveloped with skills to enable them eke out a living.

Earlier in his remarks, the Secretary General of Efut Combined Assembly, Ndabu (Dr) Godwin Bassey, said the occasion is part of the Assembly’s annual end of year activities where sons and daughters of Efut, both at home and the diaspora, gather to thank God for a successful year and for peace and all the successes recorded during the year.

He said the occasion also afforded the Efuts an opportunity to thank and honour all those who distinguished themselves in their service to the kingdom and humanity.


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