Home News We’ve Engraved You In Our Heart, Nko People Tell Egbona

We’ve Engraved You In Our Heart, Nko People Tell Egbona

Dr. Alex Egbona presenting relief materials to the Nko people

For standing by them during the invasion of their land by soldiers, the people of Nko have written to formally thank Dr Alex Egbona over the relief materials and money he gave them and for taking steps towards the withdrawal of soldiers from their ancestral home.

The community, in a letter endorsed by retired Brigadier-General Enang Ukagu and Obol Ikpi Ukpama, on behalf of the Nko Development Union Coordinating Group noted the empathy extended to them by the member representing the Abi/Yakurr Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives and said they have engraved the lawmaker in their heart.

In the letter, the Nko people said they were appreciative of Egbona “for identifying with with us over the ugly incident of the age-long conflict between us and Oyadama community of Obubra LGA and the subsequent invasion and carnage by the Nigerian Army.

“While we regret the outcome of this ugly incident, our people who have been killed, raped, displaced and made homeless, we recount with gratitude, your contribution and immense support that has made our efforts of rebuilding and rehabilitation of our people an accomplish(sic) tasks(sic).

“In our ordeal, you have shown empathy, extend a hand of goodwill and made cash donation and relief materials to mitigate the effect on our people.”

According to the community, the lawmaker’s gesture was monumental and would not go unnoticed. They said they would remember his act of kindness for a long time to come.

The community said “this singular gesture has engraved your name in the annals and history of Nko. The executive committee and members of Nko Development Union Coordinating Group sincerely thank you for standing with Nko at her most trying and traumatic moments.”

The MP had been personally involved in ensuring that the displaced people of Nko did not suffer for too long. Apart from drawing the attention of the National Assembly to the plight of Nko people, he reached out to top military personnel and made a case for the withdrawal of soldiers from Nko.

To support them in their times of need, he visited all the camps of the displaced persons with food and water, apart from the relief materials and cash that he donated for the benefit of the displaced persons.


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