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‘We are giving attention to mission, evangelism, and discipleship’


Church Of Nigeria, Role Of Our Youths Is Critical’

The third part of Archbishop, Metropolitan and Primate of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), Most Rev. Henry Ndukuba’s interview conducted by Advent Cable Network Nigeria (ACNN TV) continues again today, as the Primate shares his vision for the youth ministry.

Primate Akinola started GAFCON and Okoh, DIVCCON. What should the church expect from Primate Ndukuba?
Let me say this clearly: neither of my predecessors set out to establish GAFCON or DIVCCON. The unique thing about this office is that the Lord leads you one step at a time, and we thank God that whatever vision and mission He gives; He is the One to sustain it. GAFCON has been a blessing to the body of Christ universally and DIVCCON has been a blessing to the Church of Nigeria and the Church of God in Nigeria, because it is not only Anglicans that come. I am looking up to the Lord and I believe Him that that which He leads us to do, we shall do.

We gathered at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka from April 5 to 10. Throughout that week, we were with the young people in the Anglican Church and across other denominations. The programme was a mission to the young people. We instituted this mission with young people, the children and the youth, whom we termed, “Joshua Generation” because we are confident that, though our situation and circumstances do not give such a glowing and hopeful future, we believe God has a plan, and will be moving in our midst. If that will happen, the young people, men and women are very vital within the plan and purpose of God.


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