Home News Otu To Stimulate Economic Development Amongst Rural Dwellers

Otu To Stimulate Economic Development Amongst Rural Dwellers


Gov. Bassey Otu

Governor of Cross River State, Senator Bassey Edet Otu has given the assurance that his administration will  run policies that will stimulate economic development in the rural areas. 

A press release by the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Emmanuel Ogbeche, said the governor gave the assurance on Sunday when he visited the Presbyterian Church in his ancestral home,  Adiabo Okurikang in Odukpani Local Government Area (LGA) of the state as part of activities to mark his 100 days in office. 

The governor who was accompanied by his wife, Rev. Eyoawan Otu and other top government officials, said his administration is determined to ensure that basic social amenities like power and access roads among others get to local communities in the state. 

The governor appreciated all those who prayed for his success, including the church, maintaining that his victory came from God with the support of Cross Riverians.

Reading the Gospel of Luke 17:11-19, he said his decision to worship at his family church was to show appreciation to God for His mercies. 

“There are a lot of challenges in power, but none is stronger than God. The battle of governance is not easy, especially that of governing Cross River State. But in all, I can say that God has been faithful. 

“I am confident that it does not matter whatever financial situation we are in as a state, we are committed to taking Cross River to a better place.  One of the things we hope to do as a government is to expand plans to accommodate a greater number of our rural communities in terms of rural access road, power etc, because these are triggers that help stimulate economic development among rural dwellers,” he stated 

In his sermon, the presiding priest of the church, the Rt. Rev. Umo Ekpo, who preached on the topic, “Thanksgiving as an Act of Respect,” called on everyone to always show appreciation to God at all times. 

Reading from the Gospel of Luke Chapter 17, Rev. Ekpo said, “just like the ten lepers who were healed and only one of them returned to thank Jesus, I want to say that our dear governor, Senator Prince Bassey Otu, who has come before the Almighty God today to appreciate him for what he has done for him, for doing this, God will grant him success as he continues to pilot the affairs of the state.

“At any time anyone shows gratitude, it is believed that you will always have more. I am so pleased that the governor could consider coming back to the church where he began as a young child to come and appreciate God. This is one attribute everyone should emulate.”

It was indeed homecoming as the governor’s entourage was greeted by a mammoth crowd as they expressed appreciation to the governor for returning home to identify with his kith and kin. 


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