Home Business Embrace Farming as National Emergency, CRBDA MD, Nkposong Urges Nigerians

Embrace Farming as National Emergency, CRBDA MD, Nkposong Urges Nigerians


By Magnus Effiong

The Cross River Basin Development Authority (CRBDA) has called on Nigerians to heed President Bola Tinubu’s call for a return to farming for food security.

CRBDA Managing Director, Engr Bassey Nkposong, made the call in Calabar at the end of an empowerment programme in which youths were trained in comprehensive fish farming, modern crop production and animal husbandry.

Nkposong who harped on the necessity of agriculture in national economy, advised Nigerian youths to embrace farming instead of waiting endlessly for a white collar jobs, describing food production as a national emergency.

Commending the participants for their dedication, Nkposong expressed optimism that their efforts would yield a multiplier effect in the near future.

In their different remarks at the occasion, the Cross River State’s Commissioners for Crop and Irrigation, Mr. Johnson Ebokpo, and his Lands counterpart, affirmed the State government’s commitment to supporting agricultural development.

They pledged not only to provide the necessary land but also to aid youths in pursuing agriculture as a profession.

The Commissioners said under the leadership of His Excellency Prince Bassey Otu, the State government is keen on fostering agricultural growth.

The commissioner for Agric specially noted that the Authority has provided a strong platform for a solid foundation in Agriculture for the youths, he said the CRBDA mini Songhai farms was a ready reference point for youths who intend to go into Agro business.

According to him, rather than go to Port Harcourt or Port Novo, the integrated farming concept could be embraced easily at the Cross River Basin farms in Calabar.

Also speaking, the Overseeing Director in charge of Agric, Mr Ita Arira, said the concept of establishing an integrated farm at the headquarters of the Authority in Calabar was to help in reorienting the minds of Farmer on the zero waste concept in modern Agriculture.

The Director overseeing Finance and Administration Dr Jackson John Commended the Commissioners for Agriculture and Lands in Cross River State for identifying with the Authority’s initiative.

Dr John said with the support of the Cross River State government for the program, it’s sustainability was guaranteed.

Speaking on behalf of the graduating class, Mr. Eneobong Eneobong extended his gratitude to the Federal Government for the opportunity to learn agricultural best practices.

Mr Eneobong said the knowledge acquired at the project would further boost their determination to practice Agriculture as a profession.


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