Home News Bikers Carnival Accident: Hausa-Fulani Community Denies Collecting Money On Behalf Of Victims 

Bikers Carnival Accident: Hausa-Fulani Community Denies Collecting Money On Behalf Of Victims 


Andy Essiet , Calabar 

The Head of Hausa-Fulani and Muslim Community, Cross River State, Sarki Alhaji Garba Lawal,

The Hausa/Fulani  and Muslim Community  In Cross River State has denied collecting any money on behalf of victims of the December 27 Bikers parade carnival fatal accident that claimed the lives of eight people and 44 Injured.

A statement made available to some newsmen yesterday by the community in Calabar signed by the Head of Hausa-Fulani and Muslim Community, Cross River State, Sarki Alhaji Garba Lawal, said “I want to clarify one important misinformation making the rounds, that the Hausa Community has collected Monies meant even for non Hausa victims and failed to direct same to the rightful beneficiaries.. That information is misleading.

“To put the records straight, we have a comprehensive list containing the total number of deaths and that of victims who are receiving treatment at the hospitals. We also raised a combined Committee comprising Hausa people and indigines, and a Cross Riverian is a Secretary. The list also contained names and Telephone numbers of their next of kin”. 

He said “as a peaceful community in Cross River State, our people gave us  listening ears and have accepted that issues about  life and death are basically left to God alone. Together, we all pray for God to accept the souls of the departed and also comfort their families”.

Lawal said,  “as we speak, a comprehensive list of all affected persons has been submitted to the Government with names and Telephone numbers of their  next of kin as directed by the Governor; and with the involvement of the Special Adviser on Security and Ministry of Health, at the end,  the entire Hausa/Fulani residents will have cause to say thank you.

” In essence, I wish to on behalf of the entire Hausa/Fulani Community want to say, that the Governor as a Chief Security Officer of the State has done well. The matter at hand is one that requires support of everybody, because it is a case of Accident and  Humanity. So far, aside the strategic interventions of the Governor, other individuals, Philanthropists, Politicians have rendered one form of  support or another.

“While appreciating such laudable gestures, we want to appeal to the general public to continue to render prayers, show care and even support in any form as doing so, will also translate to charitable cause”.

The group sincerely acknowledge the  Governor’s swift security  response, in the area of deployment of joint Security operstives including  Police, Army, Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps, the DSS and Ambulance from state Ministry of Health to the area, “which further assisted in saving the lives of other victims whose condition were at critical levels.

“His Excellency’s Personal visit to the Community show love, compassion as well as sharing the pains with us, and was also an indication that we are highly valued and treated with dignity as citizens of Cross Rivet State.

Lawal said the governor has promised “to take care of the injured victims and render support to the families of the deceased has gone far in assuring the Community, that Prof Ben Ayade has never and will never be a tribalistic leader His recent action towards the Hausa/Fulani Community  has gone further to demonstrate that the welfare of the people is his primary concern.

“As we continue to collaborate with the state and security personnel to ensure total peace, we can’t stop appealing to our people not to abuse  the privileges we all enjoy under the goods people of Cross River State , and we can only demonstrate our practical cooperation by being law abiding citizens at all times. That is the only way the Government can address development issues for the benefit of all”.


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