Home News FRSC, Others rescue 14 in a near fatal accident in Calabar

FRSC, Others rescue 14 in a near fatal accident in Calabar


Andy Esiet, Calabar

A near fatality was last Sunday averted at Atimbo bridge near Calabar, Cross River state following the swift and professional intervention of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC).

Scene of the accident

According to an eyewitness, Mrs Etim Okon the accident occurred in the afternoon at the age long Atimbo bridge in Akpabuyo Local Government Area near Calabar involving a commercial mini bus that was heading to Akpabuyo with its passengers and a full load UNICEM cement haulage trailer that was coming to Calabar. 

Okon said, “There was total confusion at the scene of the accident as people were screaming and wailing for an urgent rescue considering the fact that the trailer had badly squeezed the mini bus and many passengers were trapped inside.

“This was a terrible accident. Trailer tumbled and landed landed on the mini bus with its tyres facing up but thank God and the quick intervention of Road Safety people nobody died. It was dangerous and we pray we always get this kind of quick intervention from government agencies things will be better “.

Okon added that motorists, sympathisers and others joined hands with Road Safety and few security personnel that were present to get the passengers out. “That big Road Safety truck really helped otherwise some people that were still trapped would have died”.

The Cross River State FRSC Sector Commander, Mr. Ocheja Ameh confirmed the incident saying “it was between a trailer and a mini bus. The cause of the crash was dangerous overtaking on the part of the trailer and it finally crashed into a mini bus”. 

A statement from the State’s Sector Public Education Officer, FRSC, Mr. Mark Ajuka endorsed by the Sector Commander said, “14 persons were involved altogether. There was no fatality but some of the passengers sustained various degrees of injuries”. 

 He said, “matters would have escalated were it not for the timely intervention of FRSC rescue operatives who immediately on arrival at the scene deployed the services of the FRSC heavy duty Tow Truck that lifted the trailer up and the three persons trapped underneath got rescued and were immediately rushed to the hospital. We thank God as no life was lost”.

Ameh however advised motorists to always observe normal and safe speed limit and avoid reckless overtaking, saying, “motorists need continuous training and guidance on safety and driving skills and road signs to ensure safety on our roads”.


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