Home News Biafra Nations League Bans International Trade At Gulf Of Guinea

Biafra Nations League Bans International Trade At Gulf Of Guinea


Biafra Nations League (BnL) has banned oil firms , foreign traders from drilling and carrying out business activities in Bakassi Peninsula of the Gulf of Guinea.

The Operational Coordinator of BnL, Henry Edet who issued the order in a statement made available to Pillar Today on Monday, said the ban order became necessary after a brief meeting of BnL in Idabato subdivision of Bakassi Peninsula on Sunday.

He said until the organizations reach agreement with Biafran agitators, “we are giving them two weeks to comply with terms and conditions or shutdown operation completely in the Gulf of Guinea,”.

Edet said that the BnL reached the decision to shutdown international trade at sea because the dealers are paying taxes to Nigeria and Cameroon.

He expressed dismay that, “the owners of the land are not benefitting anything from drilling of oil and international trade at sea…the Idabato high sea will be blocked completely” if they fail to comply.

Edet declined to speak on the recent bombings and clashes by the militant groups, the Black Marine and Dragon Marine against the Joint Border Forces in the Gulf of Guinea.

BnL also warned that the group will not tolerate presence of armed securities in the Peninsula, insisting that both Nigeria and Cameroon should withdraw it’s troops completely from the Peninsula.

According to Edet, “BnL is not going to tolerate any armed forces in our territory. Bakassi is our national headquarters and we are completely in charge, any external body still having their forces here will be dealt with”.

Meanwhile, authorities in Cameroon have declared the  Operational Coordinator of BnL wanted following reoccurring attacks in the Peninsula.


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