Home News Jettisoning Calabar – Ogoja Accord is Dangerous, PDP Chieftain

Jettisoning Calabar – Ogoja Accord is Dangerous, PDP Chieftain

Sir Arthur Jarvis Archibong

By Andy Esiet, Calabar

A chieftain and governorship aspirant of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Sir Arthur Jarvis Archibong has warned against jettisoning the famous Calabar-Ogoja accord.

He said all the three Senatorial districts of Cross River state are beneficiaries of the Calabar – Ogoja accord hence should be respected as it will not do anyone any good.

Speaking to some newsmen in Calabar after the recent “Calabar Declaration 2021” meeting by the Coalition of Cross River South Senatorial district, the Gubernatorial hopeful said the accord which leads to zoning of political positions in the state is a win win affair for all and working against it is dangerous.

He said without the accord some areas in the state could be deprived of testing power or some top positions in government, hence the understanding reached on the Calabar -Ogoja  accord which was revalidated during the town hall meeting was based on “good conscience , brotherhood, fairness, equity  and inclusiveness”.

He said, “the accord basically is just based on the alter of good conscience, common sense, brotherhood, fairness, equity and inclusiveness of being Cross Riverians. Our brothers and sisters in the Central and Northern senatorial district should also understand that they have a share on this same alter. Therefore they should support the South towards governorship  2023.

“The Central Senatorial district should see themselves as brothers and sisters partnering the South in this power shift, knowing that in the next eight years they will be in the same position. They should know that setting a precedent may turn around to affect them someday”.

“Also, our brothers from the North and South are beginning to express disloyalty to the leadership of the party with various careless publications and innuendos. I am of the opinion that we should all turn towards the leadership of our great party, to ensure that fairness and equity are being accommodated and practiced. 

“So, it is time for us to close ranks, let those who left the party come back so we can rebuild. We cannot afford to get it wrong this time, we must look beyond personal interest, franchise, entitlements and join in this “mournful wake keep” in our efforts to administer, breath of fresh air to our dear state”.

Archibong who has thrown his hat into the ring for the 2023 governorship race in the state, called on all those who left the party to return home and partner with him to redirect the state to her former glory for a sustainable and innovative development so as to move the state to its eldorado.

He said, “I want to assure every party faithful that PDP is back to takeover at all levels and we are not relenting on this move. I wish to implore all those who left the fold of our great party to come back home let’s rebuild Cross River State together as the just concluded, peaceful National Convention marks a breath of FRESH AIR for PDP at all levels” .


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