Home Uncategorized Akwa Ibom 2023 Governorship Race: We Are Still On Course, Onofiok Luke

Akwa Ibom 2023 Governorship Race: We Are Still On Course, Onofiok Luke

Bar. Onofiok Luke

By Andy Esiet, Calabar

Despite the endorsement of the Commissioner for Lands and Water Resources, Pastor Umo Eno Governor Udom Emmanuel and stakeholders, the member representing Etinan/Nsit Ibom/Nsit Ubium Federal Constituency, Bar. Onfiok Luke has declared that his governorship aspiration is still ofcourse.

At a stakeholders’ meeting on January 30 in the Government House, Uyo, Pastor Eno who is from the same Nsit Ubium local government and Federal Constituency, with Bar. Luke was presented as the choice of the Governor for succession.

But Luke who was at th meeting on January 30 issued a statement saying,, “out of respect and as a loyal party man, I honoured an innocent invitation from the Governor for a meeting this evening at the lodge. It was at the said meeting that I heard of the agenda and choice for the first time and no one held any discussion with me prior to the meeting” .

He said,  “I am not against the choice of the governor coming from my local government, Federal Constituency nor the aspiration of my brother. However, as a fellow aspirant from the same local government at the same advantage when successful, my aspiration to serve the state in the capacity of the Governor remains on course. 

“This statement would not have been necessary but not for the misrepresentation in media which may create a negative impression about my person and the reputation God has helped me to build these number of years in public service” .

Luke who was the immediate past Speaker in the State House of Assembly, urged his “supporters and those sympathetic to my cause should please note that we are as resolute as ever in our desire to give our people purposeful leadership in the office of the Governor come 2023.

“God’s Amazing Grace has always seen us through and will always see us through” .


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