Yesterday, the Federal High Court, Uyo, delivered judgement in the case instituted by Mr. Akan Okon against Pastor Umo Eno, the gubernatorial candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Akwa Ibom State.

As a Campaign Organization, we are grateful to God for frustrating the counsel of Ahithophel and vindicating the just, his servant, Pastor Umo Eno.

We also thank the Court for not only doing justice but making it abundantly glaring to even the worst cynics that our judicial system is still interested in ensuring justice to those who are victims of evil machinations and devilish plots.

There’s actually nothing magical about the judicial process, as the Court will always decide cases based on truth, evidence and facts presented before it.

This is why neither Pastor Umo Eno nor his supporters, were perturbed by the wild goose chase embarked upon by those who are driven by obsessive ambition to become Governor of Akwa Ibom State. In their desperation, they’ve forgotten the place of Providence in human affairs, particularly in the emergence of Kings.

Whenever they pretend to acknowledge God, they go to lying spirits which feed their lust for power and tell them what they want to hear in acceleration of their inexorable journey downhill.

Recall that on July 19, 2022, in the spiritually, historically and culturally significant Ibom Hall, Pastor Umo Eno made his first public comment on the judicial misadventure by unequivocally stating thus: “If WAEC comes out to say that I forged its 1981 and 1983 certificates, I will not only quit as PDP governorship candidate, I will also quit my calling as a Pastor of God’s flock.”

It wasn’t only a most audacious statement in the midst of a supposed storm, but a reassurance of his teeming supporters that, he would definitely be vindicated by the truth. For those who know the man, his unimpeachable character and respect for his ecclesiastical calling, there was absolutely nothing to worry about anymore. Pastor Umo Eno will never sacrifice his calling as a Pastor and relationship with God on the altar of politics. This is one of the ways he’s different from them.

WAEC indeed couldn’t deny its own documents. The Examinations Body was the most authoritative and decisive Witness during the proceedings. The moment its representative mounted the Witness Box to authenticate Pastor Umo Eno’s certificates, discerning minds knew the Plaintiff’s ill-advised case had fallen like a pack of cards and as dead as “dodo”.

The full import of the case and the significance of yesterday’s judgement shouldn’t be lost on us. It’s noteworthy that the plaintiff represents a group of shadow chasing and desperate politicians of the old order who can’t come to terms with the emerging decent, sane, civilized and productive Akwa Ibom State.

The inane, feeble and unreasonable case was nothing other than a desperate attempt to circumvent the ballot box in their obsessive ambition to seize our commonwealth through the Hilltop Mansion. They had to fabricate ridiculous cases by all means because, they are convinced they have no chance at the polling units. And one after the other, their conspiratorial cases are being buried.

Now, the reality of 2023 is beginning to dawn on them – that they cannot travel through the odious vehicles of blackmail, mudslinging and judicial manipulation to arrive our dignified Government House. If they want to be Governor, they should go to the people, not the Courts. No, the people know them and the vices they represent. Unfortunately, the Courts are too intelligent to be hoodwinked. Desperation is bad and must be avoided by sane people.

We are grateful to the leadership and all members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Akwa Ibom State who so believe in Pastor Umo Eno, that while the opposition is busy using the media to make mountain out of a molehills, they keep treating their shenanigans as a non-issues.

Expect more human traffic towards our Party and a huge boost to the camp of Pastor Umo Eno in the days and weeks ahead as intelligent politicians who were misled into believing lies filed in Courts, will be abandoning the sinking ships in droves to reunite with the God – ordained winning team.

For those who were misled and even those who led others astray on a mission impossible, the Umbrella is still large enough to accommodate you and your interests. All it takes is patience. We dare to say that Thursday’s pronouncement of the Federal High Court and other similar  decisions are unmistakable signposts to 2023. Be wise enough to see the direction they are pointing and timeously read the clear handwriting on the wall to make informed electoral choices. The Akwa Ibom Project needs everyone, including you.

God’s side will remain the winning side.

Congratulations, Pastor Umo Eno! Congratulations, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)!!

Congratulations, Akwa Ibom State as we ARISE to the inalienable truth that, power comes from God who has given it already to Pastor Umo Eno!!!


Prince Chris AbasiEyo, MNIPR,

Spokesperson, PDP/Umo Eno Campaign Council.


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