Home News South East, South South Youths Endorse Bello For President … NYCN Decries...

South East, South South Youths Endorse Bello For President … NYCN Decries APC’s N100m Presidential Form


By Andy Esiet, Calabar

Youths of the South East and South South geo political zone have endorsed the presidential ambition of Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi state.

The team that was led by the National President of Rescue Nigeria, Abdulahi Shauibu Darmat, stormed Calabar at weekend and declared total support for Bello saying, he is youth and his performance as governor is worth giving him a chance at the presidency.

He charged youths in the country to be united in the struggle for political leadership as they are always seen and used as foot soldiers during every election,.         

He also pleaded with youths in the country to rally round Gov Bello’s presidential aspiration as he is the only presidential aspirant across party lines who represents what they are yearning for.

National Youth Council of Nigeria,(NYCN) in Cross River state has condemned the high fee the All Progressives Congress (APC) is charging presidential candidates for 2023 presidential election. 

While receiving the Rescue Nigeria Mission,which (RNM), the campaign organization of Gov, Bello’s presidential aspiration in Calabar, the State Chairman of NYCN Comrade Dan Obo lashed out at the APC for setting the price tag of their presidential ticket out of the reach of youths.

He said the high fee is not encouraging especially now that the president is encouraging youths to contest with his not too young to run bill. 

Obo however urged the youths in Cross River to identify with the aspiration of Gov Bello if the wrongs that have bedeviled the current political system is to be corrected,.          

Welcoming the campaign team to the state, a professor of Environmental Science at the University of Calabar, Prof Ralph Offiong described Gov Bello as “the epitome of domestication as he does not operate any foreign bank account and all his children are enrolled in schools within the country” .        

He said the Yahaya Bello presidential campaign team has preached unity among youths of their destiny as with him the future political leaders is guaranteed,.  

The team arrived the state with the South East and South South geo political zone chairmen of NYCN to underscore the point that’their membership cuts across party lines,.    

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