Home Interviews 2023: Traditional Rulers Laud Ayade Over Power to South Support

2023: Traditional Rulers Laud Ayade Over Power to South Support


By Our Reporter
Cross River State Paramount Rulers, led by the Paramount Ruler of Bakassi local government area, who doubles as Chairman of the State Council of Chiefs, HRM Etinyin Dr Etim Okon Edet, have lauded Gov Ben Ayade for supporting agitation for power to return to the southern senatorial district in 2023.
The Royal Fathers said this on Wednesday during a peace building and solidarity visit to Cross River North senatorial district ahead of the Ogoja/ Yala federal constituency by-elections scheduled for Saturday, February 26, 2022.
The Monarchs, who were received by one of  the  kingmakers in Yala, High Chief Higgins Peters in his country home in Okpoma, also charged electorate to be peaceful especially as they were of the same root.
Speaking, HRM Edet eulogized Gov Ayade for not reneging on his promise to let power return to the south, and to therefore called on indigenes of the state, home and abroad, to support the state governor to actualized his plan.

He said, “Let me use this opportunity to commend our Governor, His Excellency, Gov Ben Ayade, for his ingenuity in the way he is running  the  state with its meagre resiurces.

“His insistence on and support for power to return to the south is an indication that he is a man of his words. He is indeed a promise keeper and a leader, and for this we thank him.” 
On the By-election, the Council of Chiefs head advised: “I urge all Yala and Ogoja people to show maturity and their peaceful disposition as they go out to vote on Saturday.
“I hereby call for a peaceful election which will cement peaceful co-existence which yo have wxhibited over the years,” he said
The Paramount Rulers prayed for peace and admonished everyone involved to eschew violence in the interest of posterity.
Responding, High Chief Higgins thanked the paramount rulers for their concerns and fir them taking the pains in going round the five local governments in the northern Senatorial dustrict, not minding the travel distances, their age and busy schedules back in their domains. 
High Chief Peters also assured the visiting monarchs of a violence free election and also pledged the resolve of the northern senatorial district to stand by their son’s decision and commitment in taking the power back to the south in 2023. 
He described the power to South decision as sacrosanct and irrevocable in the light of the political realities and exigencies that exist at a moment. Higgins called on Cross River state people to support the state governor.
Monarchs  in the  delegation included HRM Etinyin Dr Etim Okon Edet, His Royal Majesty Onum Nicholas Obim JP, Paramount Ruler of Biase, His Majesty Obol Ubana Eteng, the Paramount Ruler of Yakurr, His Majesty Clement Onah Ipuole JP, the Paramount Ruler of Yala and the representative of the Paramount Ruler of Bekwara.


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