Home Business Mosque Trains Corp Members And  Seed Fund Beneficiaries In Akwa Ibom

Mosque Trains Corp Members And  Seed Fund Beneficiaries In Akwa Ibom


The Eket Central Mosque in Akwa Ibom state has trained Corp members and Muslim faithfuls Economic Empowerment Programme (EEP).

The first ever training programme was for 16 Corp members and indigenous Muslims faithful’s who were the beneficiaries of Sakaat Money – Seed Fund meant for business start-up and  the improvement of the existing Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) businesses to improve the  members economic well-being.

The programme with the theme, “Basic Accounting and Management Tools for a Sustainable SME Business” was also aimed at enriching beneficiaries knowledge in wider areas of business, equip the beneficiaries for  a successful business start – up and improvement on existing SME business.

While declaring the workshop open, the Chief Imam of Eket Central Mosque, WarahmatuLah Aliyu Abubakar in his remarks said that the greatest gift from Allah is love through the  provision of prosperity with knowledge to man for the  sustainably exploit of  potentials of his creation in a manner that pleases him and for the benefits of his worshippers and nations.

He stated that “the training is a defined characteristics in the optimally utilization of the resources around us and the very essence of the training to complement the Seed Fund Sakaat Money”.

The fund was earlier disbursed to Muslims faithfuls that participated in the  training programme which he described as “a  way of the Eket Central  Mosque in demonstrating Allah’s greatest love of giving to mankind”.

He charged the participants that in addition to adhering to necessary control tools which the accounting and management contents are essentials in “optimal use of this fund through a business process improvement, building a business decision; also be tight to the evolving economic environment that they are operating, and to avoid exploiting their customers or anyone they transact business with as there is more reward in being just in business dealings with others”.

The programme which represents the level two  dealing on Basic Business Mathematics and the Overview of the “Basic Accounting and Management Tools for a Sustainable SME Business” held recently at Mumtaz Community Schools, Ekereuwen Street, Eket and saw in attendance 16 indigenous Muslims  beneficiaries of Sakaat Money along with some Corp members.

He thanked the Institute of Professional Economists and Policy Management (IPEPM), the Decision and Behavioural Management (D&BM) and the knowledge partners Mr. Friday Udoh who is also the Director, Emerging Knowledge and Partnership of the Institute for its decisions to support Muslim faithfuls’ acquisition of additional skills that is critical for SME sustainability and making them economically independent.

In addition, the Imam said that a date for the level one programme will be announced as he encouraged the participants to be aware of numerous windows of free interest loans currently available not only in the country but in the world as he noted that the health of every business is a healthy business Balance Sheet a premium in assessing such funds for business improvement the very object of the programme and will be utmost importance to efficiently improves the transaction recordings.

As people of one fold, he said “we are poised to make the life of our worshippers meaningful and in the way that pleases Allah”.

Responding on behalf of the indigenous Muslims, through its Chairman, Abdullahi Edoho described the Sakaat Money empowerment fund and the training programme scheduled in two levels as timely and very necessary at the current global  world commodity products prices upswings and volatility with negative consequences in most developing economies and citizens.

Speaking for the Corp members, Ridwan AbdulAzees  thanked the Eket Central Mosque for sponsoring the programme, saying it was important  and recommended other Muslims Corp members to avail themselves with it.

He said  the aim of  the programme with the first level was to enhance a systematic transaction recording for sound economic decisions and business success and ; equip the participants with knowledge and exposure to the expanding business opportunities within the localities and other economic region is necessary in the time of economic upheaval.


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