Home News NEPC Sensitizes on Shea butter for exports

NEPC Sensitizes on Shea butter for exports


In pursuant of the federal government’s economic diversification  agenda intended to boost foreign exchange earnings from non -oil exports,the Nigerian Exports Promotion Council (NEPC) recently has lunched a sensitization programme on developing Shea butter value chain for exports.
The event which took place in Calabar,the capital city of Cross River is also expected to boost the production capacity of  the rural women involved in Shea butter production in a bid to meet the high global demands.for the commodity.
Speaking, the Chief Trade Officer NEPC, Calabar office, Emmanuel Edem disclosed that the awareness campaign was meant to build the capacity of local producers  as well as harness the vast potentials of the State in Shea Butter production for optimum benefits.
He said, ” Cross River is richly endowed in terms of Shea butter trees,our goal is to train local women on how to optimize the production process from Shea nuts to the butter and package it for exports without loosing essential values vital to maximum profit  in the processing “

Participants and officials at the sensitization programme

Etim applauded the Child Care and Adult Protection group for collaborating in  facilitating the event and expressed optimism that the synergy will guarantee attainment of set goals for mutual benefits.
In his remark,the Head of Trade, NEPC, Markudi in Benue State, Ben Evong revealed that the initiative would equipped stakeholders in Cross River State with viral skills needed to maximize the vast economic benefits inherent in Shea Butter  cultivation.


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