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Multi-million Naira International Welfare  Home for Less Privileged Children Ready in Calabar



Andy Esiet, Calabar

The Multi-million naira International Welfare Home, Calabar

Joy has come the way of the less privileged, as a humanitarian edifice, symbol of hope for the vulnerable and an international welfare  home of refuge for children and the destitute within and outside Nigeria has been built in Calabar, Cross River state. 

With this development, the street children of Calabar and other less privileged ones in Nigeria and outside now have a decent place of aboard courtesy of the spiritual leader of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu.

The renowned spiritual leader used the Universal Women’s Fellowship, an arm of the spiritual organisation to spearhead the multipurpose edifice in Calabar that currently houses over 380 less privileged children from Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and others.

The multi-million naira edifice situated on eight plots of land at Parliamentary  Extension, Calabar Municipality, took about 10 years to be completed (from 2013 to 2023).

According to the International President of the women’s group,  Matriarch Victoria Imowo, in an interaction with some newsmen in Calabar, Cross River State capital, said the project is called “Mother Elizabeth Esu Olumba Obu Redeemed Children Home”.

She said the construction followed the formal recognition of the home by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Cross River state tate government in 2015, noting that the need to collect the 380 children together in a much conducive complex informed their decision to erect the 3-storey 400 bed edifice.

“Before now, we occupied a one-storey building with few rooms at Ambo Street, Calabar South but it was grossly inadequate for the ever increasing number of less privileged children and staff” , she said adding, “following constant visits and commendations from the State Ministry of Social and Welfare Development as well as from UNICEF, we had to pull our resources together and with robust supports from our Father, a philanthropist par excellence, His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, we acquired eight plots of land where we have now built this 400-bed multipurpose edifice which has eight spacious and fully furnished hostels.

Imowo said that the home was established in 2008 and fully incorporated as a government-recognised and registered Care Home in 2010. In 2013, the Home was registered with Cross River State Ministry of Humanity and Social Welfare as one of the Care Homes in the State.”

The massive building, according to her also has a chapel, well equipped children’s library, an ultra-modern kitchen, state of the art laundry fatalities , children’s playground, and handlers’ lodge and “the multimillion-naira project is the biggest residential home in Nigeria built for children who are orphans, destitute and vulnerable children which is equipped with modern facilities and is purpose built for the children’s comfort and safety.”

In his statement, spokesman of the organisation, Dr Amah Williams recalled what led the founder of the spiritual organisation,  Leader Olumba Olumba Obu to establish the home.

He said that building was activated by His Holiness and it bears eloquent testimony to his commitment to practically demonstrate the ideals of love, compassion and charity that he preaches daily.

“The evolution of The Holy Mother Elizabeth Obu’s Care Home could be traced back to the cradle of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star at No. 8 Eton Street, Calabar. Nobody that visited Brotherhood premises that time left  without being taken care of. During the Nigerian Civil War, many people took refuge at our 26 Mbukpa Chapel which was about the only safe place. The refugees were taken in and ate to their fill. Children whose parents were killed in the war found succour and warmth in the Home.

“Through the post-war period, many more children were abandoned in the premises of our organization. This was how the idea for this ultra modern Home was nurtured which today has been blossomed”.

He informed that the welfare home is not limited to Nigerians and will soon be replicated in other states of Nigeria and other countries as Olumba Obu is committed to the ideals of love, charity and rendering selfless services to humanity, which reasons he supports humanitarian works in many countries to lessen the burden of the depressed and afflicted. 


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