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Brotherhood Of The Cross And Star IS  Not Blood Sucking, Olumba Obu 


Andy Esiet, Calabar 

Leader Olumba Olumba Obu

Contrary to many false narratives, the Leader Universal Theocratic Government/Head of Administration of the Brotherhood of Cross and Star “BCS” Worldwide, Olumba Olumba Obu has declared that the kingdom is not blood sucking. 

In a special session with members of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) led by its Chairman, Comrade Nsa Gill at weekend , Obu said, “Brotherhood of the Cross and Star has always been on the receiving end of many false narratives. People lie about our identity, our creed and all that we stand for. But you journalists know the truth.  You know that we are not blood suckers. 

Obu who is one of the long serving patron of the NUJ declared, “contrary to popular biased sentiment, you know that the leader of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is not a sea creature or mermaid of some sort as has been widely alleged.  You know that we read the Bible and teach extensively from it. You know that our mission is to propagate the gospel of divine love, unity of God’s creation under the fatherhood of the Ultimate Creator.

“You know very well that Brotherhood of the Cross and Star has engaged in humanitarian and soul lifting activities by establishing Schools, Orphanage Homes, Corporate Organizations, Spiritual Hospitals and charity institutions dotted all over the world where free social services are rendered to those in need, affordable and quality education given to those who ordinarily wouldn’t have access to these social amenities”. 

The BCS, is the second highest employer of labour after the state government and he said the BCS renders free charity services to those in crisis, those in prisons, hospitals, orphanages and refugees and “you know very well that His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu demonstrates the true meaning of Christianity. He shows unimaginable love and compassion to anyone who comes to him. He demonstrates peace, mercy, truth, meekness, faith, patience, forgiveness and godliness. 

“He heals the broken-hearted, feeds the hungry, clothes the wretched, comforts the weary and teaches the oneness of the human family without any iota of segregation. These are undeniable truths and facts whose evidence are all there for you to verify. Why then do the world amplify lies and half-truths about Brotherhood of the Cross and Star and the personage of His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu?”

He charged Journalists as the conscience of the society, to always stand for the truth and “amplify the truth about Brotherhood of the Cross and Star to the world…If you project this truth, the God of truth, whose divine Kingdom has been established on earth, shall fight all your battles for you and shall bless you abundantly in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I urge you above all else, to prioritise the truth for only then, shall you live up to the divine expectations of your calling”.

The Sole Spiritual Leader of the BCS condemned the practice of same sex marriage in some climes pointing out that “indeed, the world has had so much to say about freedoms. Democracies and other human institutions have continued to advance human freedoms in such commendable ways. However, it must be noted that some aspects of these freedoms, especially concerning the freedom to marry any gender of choice, run contrary to divine laws of God and must be checked to avert further decline and pervasion of the society”. 

According to him,  “It’s inconsequential to hide under the cover of philosophical and academic arguments to deny the truth. When you find something to be true, there is no need to “balance” it. For instance, do you need any other balanced view to ascertain the fact that the sun rises from the east? Most of the freedoms that human institutions proclaim today are deeply rooted in falsehood and there is no truth in them. Therefore, you must not turn yourselves into purveyors of falsehood” .

Journalists all over the world, he said “serve principally as the conscience of the society. More than any other institution, the burden is essentially theirs to hold a mirror of reflection on society. Like preachers of the Gospel, you have a moral burden to promote righteousness, civility, truth and ideas that will roll back the specter of moral decadence in the society. 

“Your service to the society is so sensitive that the peace, prosperity and moral consciousness of the society depends on it. You all would agree with Me that one careless report from a media house based on half truths can lead to a complete breakdown of peace and order in the society. On the other hand, a media report that is based on facts and truth can heal the divide and bread peace in the society. This is why it is important that whoever volunteers his life as a journalist must be ready to speak truth to power, pursue the truth at all times and remain committed to the ideals of Fairness, objectivity and honesty. You must develop an analytical mind that allows you base stories on fact and sound judgement instead of emotions”.


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